Sunday, October 16, 2011

Super Poly Bridge v.1.4

Bridge faces or holes(edge borders). 
Just watch the video. :)
 The "Corner", "Smooth" and "Bezier" button change the type of spline knots.
The "Points:" spinner add knots to spline.

The "< Prev." and "Next >" button select the previous/next spline knots.
"Taper Amount" and "Taper Curve" set the amount and the curve value of faces bрidge.
The "Bridge segm" spinner sets the segments of the bridge.
The "Interactive" button turn On/Off interactive mode(watch the video).
New in ver. 1.1:
- adding control points will not destroy the spline shape
- Rebuild Bridge - select face bridge, convert it to spline, made changes and create the bridge again
- Soft Selection and Relax(almost interactive) built in the UI. - idea by obliviboy. 
New in ver.1.2
- can bridge holes - watch the seccond video.
New in ver.1.3
- space evenly edges in bridge along longest edge loops
New in ver.1.4
- can bridge more than 2  face:
- Rebuild Bridge is supported by Interavtive mode
- RMB+Rebuild Bridge will create straight line
- Ring Space - space evenly every ring edges of the bridge.
- Lenght Space - space evenly the bridge along its lenght.
- cw and ccw - will rotate(twist) the end faces of the bridge
Installation: Drag and drop the mzp file in 3ds max. Go to Customize-Customize User Interface-"miauu" category.



  1. i got some error in max 2022 can you update it that would be great!
