miauu's Script Pack vol.1

miauu's Script Pack is a set of scripts that will help you to make faster and easier some of the tedious task when you use 3ds Max.

miauu's Script Pack include:

     Visual Pivot Placer offers you the fastest and easiest way for manipulating the pivot of single object or of a group of objects.
    There are two additional scripts. The first one allows you to set the pivot of the selected object to the center of the selected verts, edges or faces by usnig the assigned hotkey. The second one allows you to set the pivot of the selected object anywhere in the scene by using the assigned hotkey.


Visual Pivot Placer is updated to version 1.2. Now it have new UI and the ability to align the pivot of selected object like the sub-object selection local pivot.

Visual Pivot Placer 2.8 allows you to set the position and orientation of the pivot of one object to be the same as the position and orientation of the pivot of another object.

     In-Volume Scatter is a tool that allows you to create clones of one objects and place them in the volume of desired geometry object. You can scatter objects in 3D or 2D shapes. Also, you can use In-Volume Scatter to randomize the position, scale and rotation of the selected objects.

In-Volume Scatter is updated to version 1.1 What is new: - now is you can scatter multiple objects at once. - can select objects and removes collision between them.

    Orbit viewport around picked point offers a new cursor based camera navigation, which allows you to easily orbit around specific areas of focus, because the point of interest is automatically placed on the geometry under the cursor when you begin navigating. To work properly you must be in Orbit Selected or Orbit SubOjbect mode.

Orbit viewport around picked point is updated to version 1.1 What is new(ideas by Shawn Olson): You can use the "Alt", "Shift" and "Ctrl" keys to make your navigation more comfortable. Alt+click will execute the "zoom extents" to the object, in which is placed "the point of orbit". Shift+click will place "the point of orbit" and will execute the "zoom extents" to "the point of orbit". Ctrl+click will place "the point of orbit" and will execute the "zoom extents" to the object, in which is placed "the point of orbit". You can set "the point of orbit" in object, that is a part of XRef scene. Note that in the scenes with thousands of objects, there will be a delay between the time when you click an object and you can start orbiting.
    Nested Isolation allows you to have up to 10 levels of nested objects isolations. You can move objects from one level to another, to add new objects to any level. You can enter in isolation mode even if you are not in top sub-object level. This work for Editable_poly and Editable_mesh objects.

     Multi Dirs Save allows you to save current max file in several locations on local or network hard drives.

     Clone between is a tool that allows you to specify how many clones you want to create between two points.

Clone between is updated to version 1.1 What is new: The created arrays are parametric. At any time you can go back and made changes in your arrays

Clone between is updated to version 1.2 What is new: Now you can see the distance between the clones and the distance between the master nodes(total distance) - idea by Marcus Erich Waldmann. You can set the distance between the clones with accuracy. Distance works with objects, created with previous versions of "Clone between".                                                                                          

   Align Tool offers you  a new ways to align two objects - parallel, coplanar, perpendicular, interactive normals align and 3 points rotate and align.

Live Measure v2 allows you to measure the length of edges, segments or splines, area of faces, dimension of objects, distance between the active camera(Camera view) and the selected object, distance between objects, distance between points in real time and the angle between three points.

         Scale Tool is a tool that allows you to scale the desired object, to desired dimension with few easy steps. This tool is very useful when you import or merge objects, that's not match the scale in your scene. Supported objects are Editable Poly, Editable Mesh, and objects with Edit Poly modifier on the top of the modifier stack.

     Scale Tool is updated to version 1.1 What is new: - can scale groups - can set the dimensions of the objects by entering numbers(units) instead of percentages.

     Scale Tool is updated to version 1.2 What is new: - can set the dimensions of the groups by entering numbers(units) instead of percentages. - match the dimension of two objects or groups

     Set Edge Length is tool that allows you to change the length of the selected edges or segments to desired value. Supported objects are Editable Poly, Editable Mesh, Splines(Line and Editable Spline) and objects with Edit Poly modifier on the top of their modifier stack. IMPORTANT - for Editable Mesh and Spline objects setting the edge length is undoable.

   Hidden Polys Manager extends the built-in hide/unhide polygons functionality of 3ds Max. It allows you to hide or unhide certain part of the object.

     Hidden Polys Manager is updated to version 1.1 What is new: - added dropdown list that show the name of the selected object and allows to select object by picking in the list. Idea Branko Živković

   Corner Align allows you to create corners by connecting vertices or edges with few very easy steps.

Special thanks to Stephen Sherry for the icons he made.

You can use miauu's Script Pack vol. 1 in 3ds max/3ds max Design 9SP1, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020     

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